When making your decision about your unexpected pregnancy, you want to know what support you have for the options in front of you. Knowledge is empowerment and we want to empower you for a better, brighter future. What is it you need to learn? If we can’t give you the answer, we’ll find someone who can.

Learning About Your Options

Making a quick decision means you may regret the consequences later. You need to take your time and look closely at all of your options. We’re here to counsel you and provide the one-on-one conversations you need to have.

  • Abortion Education. Learn about the different procedures, side effects and potential risks. Be knowledgeable in order to be confident about your choice.
  • Adoption Education. We’ll provide you with referrals and information about the process of adoption. You choose the adoptive family, the lifestyle you want for your child, and the amount of communication you want. Confidence comes when you have all of the information.
  • Parenting Education. Through the Warrenton Pregnancy Center, there is a tremendous amount of free educational resources are available to you. We’ll provide community referrals and help you obtain the resources you need. Knowing you have support gives you confidence.

Prenatal Education

  • Free and Confidential Pregnancy Services
  • Prenatal Classes
  • Prenatal Vitamins
  • Medical and Social Referrals
  • Medicaid Enrollment Assistance

Parenting Education

  • Parenting Classes
  • Material Resources
  • Mentoring for families

Sexual Education

  • Sexual Health Education
  • STD Education
  • STD testing referrals